Hot off the computer…..

Here are my latest virtual paintings created late 2020:


Lost Buoy #015 2020


Critical Mass #074 2020


3X House with Scrap Metal #663 2020


Down to the Bones #1732 2020

new flesh mix 2.00_20_40_03.Still300medres.jpg

The New Flesh: Rape & Love #300

18 Brown_W_A_Aleatory#665_2020.jpg

Heart Peel #665 2020

Why are these images stylistically varied?

The creative approach used to produce these images is about applying random image merging strategies to thousands of unrelated images. It’s an anti-”signature style” style and without doubt an impediment to my commercial success as an artist. I think what I’ve done here is suggest a way that paintings will be made in the future. No small thing. The process is the style!


Da Vinci Portrait with Derelict Billboard #911 2019

12 Brown_W_A_Aleatory#776_2020.jpg

Leaves of Metal #776 2020


Hot Babes Direct to You #024 2019 (non-random prototype)


3X House with Scrap Metal #805 2020

What is unique about this way of working?

I’ve created a way to generate “pre-paintings” using film editing software that randomly merges thousands of images using a John Cage inspired aleatory strategy. These works are intended for final renderings as paintings when robotic painting devices are perfected. Currently these virtual paintings exist as high definition digital images that can be shown on 4k video monitors or as archival quality inkjet prints. I’m offering these images for sale as digital prints that include the right to make one unique robotic painting from the original file of any size.

Pollack Detail with Adam & Eve #l821medres.jpg

Pollack Detail with Adam & Eve #821 2019


Soft Tissue #107 2020

08 Halloween Display with Scrap Metal #356.jpg

Halloween Display with Scrap Metal #356 2020

romantic mix6.00_17_09_06.Still112medres.jpg

Hieronymus Bosch with Medusa #112 2020

.Do Painting Robots Dream About $90,000,000 (with apologies to Philip K. Dick)

Please select the enlarge icon located at the lower right of the image before playing video.

Click on the expand icon lower right to view the video full screen. Large versions of the works in this video (and many other examples) can be viewed on the following page:


Videos in the Space between Stills and Motion Pictures:

Please select the enlarge icon located at the lower right of the image:

This demo contains short scenes from my slow motion videos:

Most of my work as an artist involves the creation of art videos that exist in the space between still photography and motion pictures. These mostly slow motion works are intended to be viewed on a large screen on a gallery wall. I have no talent nor interest in making story films with glamorous actors, huge crews, etc. Like most visual artists, I like working alone. Most people have trouble watching these because they have the wrong expectations. These are animated wall art pieces designed to be looked at as if they are paintings, not movies.

Click on the lower right corner of the video image above to enlarge video. Click on the Video Page button below to see more videos.


Photography Re-imagined in Three Dimensions:

St Mt 3 sculptures.jpg

These were proposals to create sculptures from Civil War era photographs at Stone Mountain, Georgia. I saw these as counter art works to the colossal carved images of Confederate heroes on the side of the mountain. My proposal to the park’s management was never answered.

DC tryptich 2013 Nat Mall medres .jpg

Here are another set of proposals to create photo-realist sculptures on the mall in Washington D.C. Another example of virtual art making.

SIZED MAD Monument.jpg

Here is my most ambitious attempt at creating a large scale sculpture. This was my submission for the creation of a colossal monument celebrating the triumph of capitalism over communism. I thought Las Vegas would be the appropriate site for this homage to winner take all capitalism. I was shocked I didn’t win the commission.

Click on the Photo-Sculptures button to see more photo sculptures. Click on the C.V. button to view career overview.